For the latest information on regeneration please see here.
If you’re an RHP customer living at Ham Close, we’re committed to keeping you up to date on the latest news and to provide a range of opportunities for you to share your views and have your say. The emergence of the COVID-19 virus has meant that we have had to find new ways to work and engage to keep our customers and staff safe.
Over the past twelve months we’ve done this in the following ways:
Set up a Resident Engagement Panel and attended regular virtual meetings.
Attended a Ham Close Resident Association meeting prior to the first lockdown in March 2020.
Regular newsletters.
Arranged a Regeneration Update Meeting, held virtually.
Provided supporting information for those customers that were not able to attend and uploaded a Q&A document.
Regeneration and Project Managers have personally called each customer in July due to suspension of face-to-face meetings.
Sent out a Customer Needs Survey and Homeowner Survey to update individual household requirements, contact information and to answer specific questions.
Ham Close email Inbox.
Responded to customer queries raised via phone and e-mail to the RHP Customer Services Centre.
We will continue to ensure that our customers have as many options as possible to engage in the coming months and we hope to re-introduce door step conversations and one to one surgery appointments either in Ham or at our office in Teddington as soon as it is safe to do so.
In the meantime, please feel free to contact the RHP Project Team of Simon Cavanagh, Tracey Elliott and Brett Wild if they can be of any assistance. The RHP contacts are : 0800 032 2433 or by email:
Ham Close Homeowner Update and Events
In previous years, RHP have held informative and practical sessions to address many of your questions and concerns and provide further details on the homeowner offer. Back in October 2017, we shared the following documents with attendees:
Homeowner FAQs (July 2017)
'Buy Back Programme' FAQs (Oct 2017)
TPAS Review of Customer Offer (Oct 2017)
Key Information on Shared Equity Mortgages (Oct 2017)
RHP Ham Close Customer Offer (Autumn 2016)
In December 2019 all leaseholders were written to advising them that RHP were offering the Customer Offer to start buying back homes from those interested in selling. For some leaseholders this has led to them selling their homes to RHP and moving, whilst for others who are either undecided or are interested in staying, it has at least left them in a more informed position.
Once a developer has been appointed as RHP's partner, there will be arrangements made for further Homeowner events, details of which will be shared well in advance. In the meantime, please feel free to contact the RHP Project Team of Simon Cavanagh, Tracey Elliott and Brett Wild if they can be of any assistance. The RHP contacts are :are: 0800 032 2433 or by email:
Ham Close RHP Customer drop-in sessions
Once RHP have appointed a developer in spring 2021, we will be arranging a series of regular consultation and engagement events for both groups of customers and individual households. Understandably, we will continue to adapt and respond to Government guidance on social distancing to keep both you and our staff safe. We hope to re-introduce drop in sessions as soon as is possible and we will keep you updated on our future plans.
Frequently asked questions
You can find our set of frequently asked questions below. The answers have been provided by RHP.
Once RHP have appointed a developer in spring 2021, a new set of FAQs will be provided related to the concept design for Ham Close and matters that relate specifically to Ham Close customers and local stakeholders.
In previous years, residents have also asked questions about indicative rents. To find out what RHP said in 2017, please click here. This document has been updated (1st March 2021) please click here to see the updated document.
In July 2018, RHP produced a summary detailing what will happen to residents' homes if regeneration goes ahead, please click here. We are currently in the process of updating this document and we will share it here in the next two months.
We send regular communications out to RHP customers at Ham Close to let people know about the latest developments as well as highlighting ways people can get involved in the consultation. Find our latest news here.
Rent definitions glossary
We put together a glossary of key rent definitions. To view a copy, please click here and for a definition of London Affordable Rent please click here.
Considerations for refurbishment and infill
In summer 2015, following the July budget, the Government introduced the need for all housing associations to reduce their rents over a four year four-year period from 2016 to 2020. This has a significant impact on RHP’s long term finances and in turn limits our ability to deliver certain asset management projects and meant that consideration had to be given to the refurbishment and infill options that were originally proposed as part of the Uplift programme. We have provided details of these considerations here.
As a result of these considerations RHP and Richmond Council are no longer considering refurbishment and infill as an option for Ham Close and are currently progressing a full redevelopment approach.
Design workshops
Throughout June and July 2016 we ran a series of design workshops. These sessions were designed to give residents, RHP and Richmond Council the opportunity to work together to come up with the best possible design solution for Ham Close, should redevelopment go ahead. Once RHP has appointed a developer partner in spring 2021, design workshops will be part of the consultation and engagement approach prior to a planning submission. Details of these and other events will be shared with both customers and interested local stakeholders.