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July RHP newsletter now published (July 2017)

To find out more about the latest timeline of activities, upcoming housing needs assessment and technical site surveys, please click here.


April RHP newsletter and Tenants' FAQs now published (April 2017)

As you know we’ve been collating questions on the project for a couple of years and have sent you regular updates as well as featuring them on the Ham Close website. We’ve created an up to date set of FAQs specifically for tenants. To view these, please click here. To see the latest newsletter, please click here.


March RHP newsletter now available (March 2017)

To find out more about key milestones to expect from the regeneration programme, our customer drop-in sessions and technical surveys, please click here.


RHP newsletter and Homeowners’ FAQs now published (January 2017)

During the autumn of 2016, a consultation was held on the future of Ham Close. Thank you to everyone who gave their views as part of the consultation. RHP’s latest newsletter has now been published. To view a copy, please click here. RHP has also been working on an updated set of FAQs for homeowners. Please click here to view the FAQs.


Feedback from Ham Close consultation now published (January 2017)

Headline results have now been published following a consultation regarding the proposed redevelopment of Ham Close. To see the report, please click here.


Ham Close customers invited to a drop-in session on the Future of Ham Close (January 2017)

Thank you to everyone who shared their views as part of the consultation for the Future of Ham Close.


We’d like to invite RHP customers to preview the headline results from the consultation at a special drop-in session. You’ll get a chance to take a look at the key themes from the survey as well as ask any questions that you might have.


The drop-in session is taking place on Tuesday 10 January, 6pm-8pm in the Dining Room Extension at Grey Court School. To see our flyer, please click here.


Ham Close customers invited to Cave Road development (October 2016)

Due to high demand following on from the last guided tour of our Cave Road development we’re hosting another.


We’d very much like to share with you the recently completed development. This is your opportunity to see a development that is high quality and available for rent.


The homes would give you an impression of what the inside of a flat built to current standards actually looks like. The tours will take place on Thursday, 3 November, 4pm – 7pm at Cave Road, Ham, TW10 7TZ.


The feedback from Ham Close customers from the first tour was very positive so come along and see what’s got everybody talking!


Remember, you can book a one-on-one session at our pop-up exhibition (located at the Ham Close Youth Centre car park) The last session will take place on Friday, 4 November: 9am-1pm. Please click here to book a session or call 0800 032 2433.


Have your say on the future of Ham Close (October 2016)

From 19 October - 18 November, residents and businesses in Ham are invited to have their say on the proposed future design of Ham Close. To find out more, please click here.

Feedback from design workshops (September 2016)
Following a series of design workshops which took place in June and July, a summary of the feedback from over 150 residents in Ham and Petersham has been published online. To read more, please click here.
RHP and the Council are currently working with the architects to feed in, where possible, all the feedback into potential design proposals for the site. Proposals will be published for full public consultation later in the autumn.
Design workshops (June 2016)

Throughout June and July 2016 we will be running a series of design workshops. These sessions will enable residents, RHP and the Council to work together to come up with the best possible design solution for the Close should redevelopment go ahead. To find out more and to reserve your space click here.


Timeline (January 2016)

It was our intention to present an amended proposal early in 2016 for further feedback. However, because of the range of feedback to date a scheme will now not be ready for further consultation until the summer. The Programme Team will spend the next few months doing further work with the community to really understand the issues around any kind of regeneration. For more information see our resident update.


RHP customer offer (December 2015)

So that RHP customers can understand what full redevelopment might mean for them and their homes, RHP have set out what an offer would look like for both tenants and homeowners if redevelopment goes ahead.  For more information see What full redevelopment means for you: A guide for RHP tenants & homeowners.


Review of proposals (November 2015)

The Programme Team (consisting of RHP and the Council) are reviewing the proposals, taking into account the feedback from those who took part in the consultation through July, August and September 2015. An amended scheme will be published for further consultation in the New Year.


Ashburnham Road Shops (October 2015)

Following resident feedback, there are no longer plans to include the shops in the proposed redevelopment. Further information will follow in the next few months about additional changes to the proposals following resident feedback.



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